Ben wanted to create a lead magnet that Builds Trust, Gets Results for the prospects, and Runs 24/7 without needing attention
Brief opt-in page where he can showcase what’s included, build excitement and grab prospects details
We wanted to deliver a training program that clients can follow & track in a fitness app
When a prospect opts in, they’ll choose between:
Once they pick an option they’ll automatically be added to the training app and given a program that fits their selection
What is training, without nutrition... Pointless!
We built out a custom branded calorie and macro calculator which also delivers example meal plans matching the calories
This is also, automatically delivered to the prospect so they can get a solid start on nutrition without you having to complete it for them
We then wated to add an educational component to the lead-magnet
Every week, we have automated messages going out to the prospects in the app delivering educational resources
Once the leads were added into his pipeline, we focused massively on building more trust
Setting up an automated flow that delivers more and more value to the leads as they go through the program until eventually offering them a chance to jump on a call